Lucia Palladino (IT/BE)
correspondances_I discovered loving means going back to repetition

Correspondances research project through walking, writing and field recording practices develops a series of worlds and languages that correspond in a very similar manner but slightly different to what we know. Lucia calls them short fictional ontologies. At this moment everything makes us think that the possibilities of experiencing the world have dwindled. We need techniques to generate new worlds to be experienced and to live in.
Lucia Palladino (IT/BE)
Lucia Palladino is an independent transdisciplinary artist and researcher based in Brussels. Her work focuses on the encounter with the other and on how this encounter questions identities and properties. Movement, choreography, writing and filming practices are being used as forms of resistance to fixed notions of identity, to institutions, and as tools for institutional critique. Her work researches power relations and questions everything we take for granted.