Cinema, Podium and
Workspace in Kortrijk

General Information

BUDA arts centre
Broelkaai 6
8500 Kortrijk
+ 32 56 22 10 01

VAT vzw kunstencentrum BUDA: BE0869.749.312

Account number: BE54 0016 0997 6997

cinema / podium

Film and stage halls
Kapucijnenstraat 10
8500 Kortrijk
Box office opens half an hour before the film.

podium / werkplek

Rehearsal studios
Korte Kapucijnenstraat z/n
8500 Kortrijk


Broelkaai 6
8500 Kortrijk
Entrance: Burg. Tayaertstraat 6
Open every working day from 9 am to 12 pm and from 1 pm to 6 pm.

BUDA team

Board of Directors

Francis Van Remoortel – president
Patricia Debacker, Veerle De Mey, Mieke Dumont, Maarten Ternier, Bie Vancraeynest, Cesar Vromman

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