Cinema, Podium en
Werkplek in Kortrijk

Katja Dreyer (DE/BE)

Katja Dreyer (DE/BE): Kroniek

Katja Dreyer laat ons in Kroniek de voorbije eeuw beleven, telkens door de ogen van een vrouw die 40 jaar is in 1914, 1924, 1934, 1944, 1954 …
Een duik in de bewogen Duitse en Belgische geschiedenis, waarin feiten en fictie, het alledaagse en het historische voortdurend in elkaar overlopen.

Katja Dreyer (DE/BE)

Katja Dreyer was born in Berlin in 1974. She studied drama (directing and acting) in the Netherlands and has lived in Brussels since 2004. In her own work she tries to shed light on history and its consequences by zooming in on the personal lives of ordinary people. As a performer, she worked for Mette Ingvartsen, Mette Edvardsen, Miet Warlop, Ivana Müller, David Weber-Krebs and Superamas, among others. She regularly worked at BUDA studios (e.g. with Ingvartsen or Warlop, or for her own show Chronicle). For Ophelia comes to Brooklyn – programmed during Almost Summer festival in June 2018 – Katja collaborated with Davis Freeman and Dolores Hulan.

In residence

05 Oct 2014 – 08 Oct 2014

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