What happens in the musician’s body when they play? How does music make a body move, or even dance, very concretely and precisely, but also invisibly inside?
IN YOUR HEAD, is based on an important 20th-century piece of music: the String Quartet No 8 in C minor by Dmitri Shostakovich. While studying classical music, Pol Pi played this emblematic piece by the Russian composer, dedicated to “the victims of war and fascism”, and experienced an even physical intensity, the impact of which he feels to this day. He now reproduces its agonising echo in a stage form, together with four musicians.
Play dates
Conception and artistic direction: Pol Pi.
Creation: Anna Faber (violon), Mia Bodet (violon), Yodfat Miron (alto), Sophie Notte (violoncelle) and Isabelle Klemt (violoncelle).
Performance: Anna Faber (violon), Mia Bodet (violon), Yodfat Miron (alto) and Isabelle Klemt (violoncelle).
Dramaturgy: Gilles Amalvi.
Light creation and luminous objects design: Rima Ben Brahim.
Costumes creation: La Bourette, assisted by Lucie Lizen.
Sound control: Baptiste Chatel.
External view: Boram Lie.
Production: Sarah Becher.
Production: NO DRAMA & Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop.
Executive production: Latitudes Prod. – Lille.
Coproductions: Montpellier Danse ; CCNO – Centre chorégraphique National d’Orléans ; Fonds Transfabrik – Fonds franco-allemand pour le spectacle vivant ; CCN – Ballet National de Marseille ; Centre national de danse contemporaine d’Angers ; centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie, dans le cadre de l’Accueil-studio/Ministère de la Culture ; Centre chorégraphique national de Rillieux-la-Pape, direction Yuval PICK, dans le cadre du dispositif Accueil-Studio ; Festival NEXT ; BUDA Kunstencentrum Courtrai ; PACT / Zollverein Essen.
Project funded by the Federal Government German Federal Cultural Foundation Commissioner for Culture and the Media; The Senate Department for Culture and Europe Berlin , Fonds Transfabrik – Fonds franco-allemand pour le spectacle vivant. The project is supported by la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations.
NO DRAMA is supported by a structural funding help by la DRAC Île-de-France.
Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop is funded by The Senate Department for Culture and Europe Berlin
Thanks to: Nitsan Margaliot, Josephine Boivineau, Léa Gallet, Anaïs Fornes, Caroline Lefèvre, Elisa Hernandez, Juan Pablo Landazuri, Yi-Wei Wang, Amandine Lesca, Lucas Soares, Alina Tskhovrebova, Muriel Garric, Paul Grassin et Louise Phelipon.