Lydia McGlinchey (AU)

In MadDoG, dancer and choreographer Lydia McGlinchey works with spoken text, dance, and vocal work. With this piece, she wants to enmesh viewers in a dense ‘knot’ of interlaced but distinct materials and layers, informed by a textile practice of weaving and lace work. MadDoG takes influence from Gothic/horror and heavy metal.
A knot can hold together contradictions. Thinking from the knot demands an attentiveness to how the material world is underwritten by violent histories. The knot exposes the way different material, historical, stylistic objects are tied together, as well as the way in which power is tied into and structures particular constellations. Taking on a Bataillean conception of ‘base matter’, MadDoG disrupts the distinction between high and low: the bimbo is materially made up of the prophetess, the carpet is also disco ball, the body is at once dog and human, thriving is entrenched in decline.
Artistic direction Lydia McGlinchey
Performers Mate Jonjic, Lydia McGlinchey, Estefania Alvarez Ramirez
Textile Elena Vloeberghen & Lydia McGlinchey
Costume Lynn Vanhoydonck
Composer & musician Iris o0ryxss (Iris Joana Therasse Nicaisse)
Light design Caroline Mathieu
Sound design Korneel Moreaux
Artistic advisor Bojana Cvejic
Co-research Stefa Govaert
Vocal coach Fabienne Seveillac
Production Kunstenwerkplaats
Co-production Kaaitheater, STUK, KAAP & VIERNULVIER
Supported by BUDA, TEXTURE Museum (Kortrijk) and de Vlaamse Gemeenschap & de Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie.
Lydia McGlinchey (AU)
Lydia McGlinchey (°1998) was born in Sydney, Australia, of Peruvian-Irish descent. She is currently working as a performer and maker, living in Brussels. Lydia is trained in dance/performance, yet she also works with textile/fiber art. Lydia’s work FERAL was presented at Theatre VIERNULVIER, Kaaitheatre, and arts centre BUDA. Lydia has worked with Alix Eynaudi on her project Noa+Snow. Additionally, she also worked with Simon Van Schuylenbergh, Nathan Ooms, Stefa Govaart, Mischa Goldberg and Rosie Sommers.