Marion Sage (FR)
The residency in Buda will be a continuation of the research started a year ago in a rural and militant environment with reflections on habitat, gardening, fermentation, collective self-sufficiency, the local…
This research and the slow, attentive observation of other living beings went hand in hand with a dip into the writings and drawings of the first female naturalists of the 19th century. A series of transformed foods, preserved flavours and soaked flowers were collected to become performative and scenographic partners.
They will construct multisensory stories around our likes and dislikes, our relationships with the outside world, our ways of getting to know what surrounds us. The creation of this piece will be an opportunity to learn how to do things you are not an expert in and to exchange the humble skills that make us feel good.
Marion Sage (FR)
Marion Sage conducts movement research as a choreographer and teacher. She collaborates with other choreographers as a performer (Lara Barsacq, Thibaud Le Maguer, Liaam Iman, Gabriel Beck…) or as a project advisor (Danya Hammoud). Together with sound artist Anne Lepère, she creates performances and workshops around stories that cross mythologies and recipes.