Loreto Martínez Troncoso (ES) & Elena Biserna (IT)
To Begin With, Don’t Contradict Me! A ventriloquist dialogue.

They will use this stay to enrich the series of performative acts, interweaving the taking of the word and the body, putting words and their muscles into motion, as well as initiating new writing, the taking of words. In addition, they will continue to search for archives, to collect other voices, other texts. During this residency, they will also define a method of action to anchor the project in specific institutional contexts (hospital, court, school…).
Loreto Martínez Troncoso (ES) & Elena Biserna (IT)
Loreto Martínez Troncoso’s research is a persistent confirmation of the existence that unfolds through presence, voice, speech. Speak, act, be there, now. Or delegate this confirmation of presence to devices: texts, recordings, films. Or even opening spaces for multiple and collective speaking; silence, listening, to allow other voices to emerge.
Elena Biserna is an independent art historian and occasional curator based in Marseille, France. She writes, speaks, teaches, curates, facilitates workshops or collective projects, makes radio and sometimes performs. Her interests focus on listening and on contextual, time-based art practices in relation to urban dynamics, socio-cultural processes, the public and political spheres.