Cinema, Podium en
Werkplek in Kortrijk

The Life of Mechelen ARSENAAL i.s.m. Beyond The Spoken


TUE 8 NOV | 20:15
Duration: 75 minutes
Budascoop Hall 1
Tickets: Pay what you can (€0/€5/€10/€15)
It is up to you to decide whether the suggestion price fits your current financial situation… or rather not. Can you afford a higher ticket price? Then you make it possible for others to pay less.

life of mechelen

Acht maal afscheid anders points us to a lack in our secularised life: the lack of rituals, of space to reflect on major changes, to take time to say goodbye, to give transitions the necessary importance.

The show is the result of a collaboration with two extraordinary artists: Barbara Raes, a unique connector between art, care and farewell who creates rituals for unrecognised loss from her workshop Beyond the spoken, and Mirjam Devriendt, photographer and video artist who has already worked with a variety of dancers, musicians and theatre ensembles, and is also Berlinde De Bruyckere’s regular photographer.

Barbara Raes creates unique rituals for the members of The Life of Mechelen, tailor-made from an artistic perspective, to give meaning to the recognised and unrecognised transitional moments in their lives. These rituals were performed in an intimate setting and filmed by Mirjam Devriendt. The audience comes to watch this video footage in a setting that invites connection and a sense of belonging. Afterwards, they can join a coffee table to talk further in a casual atmosphere. Anyone who wants can enter into dialogue in an approachable and inviting way, ask questions and ask themselves: what or from whom am I saying goodbye?

Combine this performance with the short film programme on hidden grief on Wednesday 9 November.

Play dates

Concept en regie voorstelling: Sarah Eisa en Willy Thomas
Creatie afscheidsrituelen en interviews: Barbara Raes / Beyond the spoken
Filmregie en beeld: Mirjam Devriendt
Montage: Jasper Vanhalle, Loula Burnus, Arnoud Aerts, Robbin Rooze en Louis De Schrijver
Soundtrack: Ward Dhoore
Zang: Hannelore Primusz, Eline Primusz en Elena Peeters
Met: Gwen Van Gworp, Gaby Van Asch, Elyne Notebaert, Dorothy Arts, Saïda Boutkabout, Anne Smits, Frank Mathay en Mieke Meskens
Samenwerking kunstenaars: Joris van Oosterwijk (beeldend kunstenaar bij Frank), Hartwin Dhoore (accordeon bij Anne), Valentine Kempynck (creatie lijkwade bij Dorothy), Jorunn Bauweraerts (lied bij Dorothy), Elena Peeters (lied bij Ans) en Hannelore Primusz (lied bij Elyne)
Productie: Melissa Van Dievel, Anna Lauryssen, Petra Daemen, Bert Vanlommel en Kathleen Melis
Affichebeeld: Beeldzorg/Herman Houbrechts

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