The starting-point of this creation is the bourree with two counts, a traditional group dance from the French Massif Central. Branle takes on the form of a ball – a space in which dance and music come together but that also evokes specific feelings and makes for circulation.
Choreographer Madeleine Fournier is fascinated by the endless repetition in the music and choreography of the bourree. It evokes both a feeling of standstill and transformation, as if the present continuously renews itself in an effort to approach eternity. Accompanied by dancers and musicians Fournier brings you into a trance – the situation in which what is hidden is revealed. Branle descends to the gestures and affects from our collective subconsciousness.
Play dates
Choreography: Madeleine Fournier
Dance: Mathilde Bonicel, Madeleine Fournier, Sonia Garcia, Flora Gaudin, Johann Nöhles, Marie Orts Music: Marion Cousin, Julien Desailly
Assistant director: Jérôme Andrieu
Spaces: Madeleine Fournier, Nicolas Marie
Lighting: Nicolas Marie
Transmission bourrée 2 temps: Solange Panis
Costumes: Valentine Solé
Sound engineer: Vincent Domenet
Stage Manager: Leslie Vignaud
Production administrator: Margot Guillerm
Project support: Teresa Acevedo
Production manager: Louise Alix
Production: ODETTA
Coproduction :
Chorège | CDCN Falaise Normandie as part of the “accueil-studio” scheme supported by the Ministry of Culture, NEXT festival, Charleroi danse | centre chorégraphique de Wallonie – Bruxelles, CND Centre national de la danse, CCN2-Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble as part of the “accueil studio” scheme, Mille Plateaux | CCN La Rochelle as part of the “accueil-studio” scheme supported by the Ministry of Culture, Atelier de Paris | Centre de développement chorégraphique national, Carreau du Temple | Etablissement culturel et sportif de la Ville de Paris, 3 bis f | Centre d’arts contemporains d’intérêt national à Aix-en-Provence | Résidences d’artistes | arts vivants & arts visuels, Festival d’Automne à Paris, BUDA (Kortrijk), Centre Chorégraphique National d’Orléans – Direction Maud Le Pladec
The ODETTA company is supported by the Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles d’Île-de-France with a multi-year grant (2 years).
This project was funded by the Région Île-de-France, Adami and Spedidam with the support of the Caisse des Dépôts, la Soufflerie and la Métive – Artists’ residency in Moutier d’Ahun.