Feijoada is a transdisciplinary project that takes the emblematic Brazillian dish as a starting point to question the colonial heritage and how it is actualized and transformed into a celebration, that includes music, text, dance and food.
Feijoada is a piece that appears as an artistic answer to a generational encounter. In 2019, Calixto Neto was invited to reenact the iconic piece of Brazilian choreographer Luiz de Abreu,O Samba do Crioulo Doido (2004).
In a scene of the piece, Luiz (and since 2020, Calixto) dances a Bossa Nova in which the lyrics is a feijoada recipe sung in French. Feijoada comes as a will to dig into the violence and joy that we can see in this scene.
On stage, we have a feijoada being prepared in real time, a group of samba dancers invite the audience to take part in the party and the performers share their stories about struggles, power, legacy, ‘saudade’, love and more…
And in the end everybody eats together.
Play dates
CHOREOGRAPHY Calixto Neto / ASSISTANCE Ana Laura Nascimento / MUSICAL DIRECTION Yure Romão / PERFORMANCE Calixto Neto, Ana Laura Nascimento, Yure Romão, Emilia Chamone, James Müller / Pedro Barrios, Julia Dolney, Marina Japonega, Kaiodê Encarnação Acauã El_Bandide Shereya, Silex Silence / TECHNICAL DIRECTION Beatriz Kaysel / COSTUMES Annie Melza Tiburce / PRODUCTION MANAGER Julie Le Gall / EXECTUVE PRODUCTION FOR THERE PREMIERE Festival d’Automne à Paris and now Executive production for the tour, VOA / COPRODUCTION Festival d’Automne à Paris, le Centquatre Paris et Passages Transfestival Metz