In a world punctuated by an overflow of images, R É V E R B É R E R is imagined as a care session for the eyes. Dance and light are intertwined. The light is here the starting point and its presence defines what we see or don’t see. How and what do we see? What can’t we see? And what is it that sometimes blinds us? How does light produces spaces for dance and inversely how the body invents places of light?
Play dates
Conception and direction: Jonas Chéreau.
Performance & Lighting: Pauline Brun, Jonas Chéreau, Estelle Gautier, Marcos Simoes.
Sound: Christophe Albertijn.
Dramaturgical Advice: Valérie Castan, Marcos Simoes.
Stage manager: Vic Grevendonk.
Costumes: Marcos Simoes.
Administration, production, diffusion: MANAKIN / Lauren Boyer, Leslie Perrin & Adèle Tourte.
Coproductions: NEXT Arts Festival, Kunstencentrum BUDA, CND Centre national de la danse, Charleroi danse, centre chorégraphique de Wallonie-Bruxelles, 3 bis f, Lieu d’arts contemporains Résidences d’artistes – Centre d’art, Aix-en-Provence, Les Bazis, Arts Vivants en Couserans, La caisse des dépôts.
Supports: Le Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles à Paris, Garage 29, Bruxelles C-TAKT, DRAC Ile-de-France, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.