Reflecting Light: lightresidency

2021 > 2024
A four-year research and education project focused on the practice of lighting design at KASK Ghent, in collaboration with Kunstencentrum BUDA.
Even though the postdramatic turn in the performing arts has radically reshuffled the dramaturgical hierarchy of different signifying entities that are at stake in a work of art, light as an essential signifier and agent in performative situations and, as a consequence, the practice of lighting design has until now been underappreciated.
Setting aside some specific practices, light is in general less recognized, analyzed and understood as a fundamental part in the dramaturgy of contemporary performing arts practices, nor does it find its way into the artistic curriculum of performing arts educational programs in general. How to speak about light? How to
create from the perspective of lighting (design)? How to make light a full and equal signifier within a contemporary dramaturgy?
The Reflecting Light research group is: Bruno Pocheron, Emese Csornai, Ezra Veldhuis, Geert Belpaeme, Henri Emmanuel Doublier, Jan Fedinger, Jan Maertens, Tomi Humalisto and Bram Coeman.
Reflecting Light Copenhagen residency – report day 1
Reflecting Light Copenhagen residency – report day 2