Shake your Skills #2

Shake your skills is a cross-border collaboration on artistic research, development and exchange between artists, among themselves, and organisations. Collective work is done on the questions, difficulties and insets from the six different projects the artists are working on – focusing on a non-hierarchical transfer of knowledge, exchange of experience, practice and development of artistic and technical skills.
The first residency is on dramaturgy and is supervised by Melissa Mabesoone. Wondering what the artists are currently working on? Read along via this link.
With participation from: Audrey Apers, Egon Schoelynck, Eva Aubigny, Forbon N’Zakimuena, Marah Haj and Sacha Bordes.
Capsule 1 from 27 November to 2 December: with Melissa Mabesoone – and with input from Guillaume Lebrun, Sara Vanderieck, Ismaël Métis, Sarah Théry and Ruben Mardulier.
Capsule 2 from 29 April to 5 May: with Emese Csornai, Henri-Emmanuel Doublier, Mathieu Calmelet and Olivier Tirmarche
a project by Happynest/Superamas, theatremaker and arts centre Buda – with the support of the Flemish Government and the Region Hauts-de-France in the framework of cultural cooperation.