Cinema, Podium en
Werkplek in Kortrijk

School of Love

Deep Hanging Out – Kin families

Potluck dinner
Wed 24.04.2024
19:00 – 22:00

SOL deep hanging out

School of Love (SOL) invites you to a preview of Togethermess, a week-long laboratory around art and life practices on kinship and kin families. During an informal potluck dinner, knowledge and experiences about kinship and kin families can be shared.

This dinner offers a unique opportunity to connect with friends and strangers, share personal anecdotes and explore the multifaceted aspects of kinship ties. Through shared dialogue, we aim to deepen understanding and create a sense of community around this enriching topic.

Join us for an informal exchange of ideas, stories and insights. Whether you are an expert on the topic or just curious about the diversity of kinship and family forms, your presence and perspective are valuable.


Places are limited. Please email to confirm your attendance. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share and/or a drink.

This project is part of Learning Together, a pedagogical platform implemented in BUDA, it’s a collective space for critical reflection, forging links both within and outside the artistic community. The aim is to equip each other, to inform each other’s practices, to cross-fertilise the production of sensitive and theoretical knowledge. Learning Together intends to slow down the constrained rhythm of artistic projects in order to find a common breath, to put into perspective ways of doing, thinking and existing and to build alliances between different sensibilities, practices and histories.

School Of Love (SOL) is a collective based in Brussels. The members of SOL are American, Belgian, German, French, Irish, Israeli, Italian, Serbian, Swiss, Yugoslavian and have various artistic backgrounds. They develop collective artistic practices, which invite people to explore ways and skills of being and acting together. They do this by approaching love as a mode of engagement in political and social spheres. Love is more than a feeling: it’s a choice, a practice, an intention.

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