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Sven Dehens & Chloe Chignell

Feminist School: Rile* Reading Room

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The bookshop that will make you read differently

rile* is a bookshop and project space for performance and publishing. You’ll find art books and poetry there, as well as more theoretical or experimental works, and you can participate in ‘living literature’. rile* is the word for ‘silence’ in Láadan, a language developed by feminist author Suzette Haden Elgin for her science fiction series Native Tongue. The language Láadan is a reaction to the limitations that speakers experience when they say one thing but mean something else. Many words in Láadan are meant to be unambiguous so that the speaker can truly relate to what has been said.

For the Feminist School in BUDA, rile* will set up a reading room and a bookshop with art books, performer’s and choreographer’s texts, and intersectional feminist poetry, theory and fiction. Is reading by definition a solitary activity? What are possible reading forms and text materials? At rile*, readers are invited to experiment with their own reading habits.

On two Saturdays during the Feminist School, several artists will share their experimental publication practice with a reading group.

Rile* Bookshop opening hours:
Thursday 29 June| 19:00 – 20:15
Friday 30 June | 19:00 – 20:15
Saturday 1 July | 10:30 – 17:30
Sunday 2 July | 10:30 – 17:30
Friday 7 July | 19:00 – 20:15
Saturday 8 July | 10:30 – 17:30
Sunday 9 July | 10:30 – 17:30

CANCELLED | Simon Asencio: Reading at Random, Or Turning The Page (Or Singing Out of Doors)
Saturday 1 July | 11:00-13:00

communial reading
English spoken
all ages | a lot of text | accessible for visually impaired persons | relaxed performance

Rile Rile

Simon Asencio creates a four-part score, based on an unfinished essay by Virginia Woolf. Her prose poem Anon offers the opportunity to transform individual reader’s and author’s authorities into forms of collective ownership. Asencio intertwines passages from the manuscript Anon with citations from modern authors like Octavia Butler and Ursula K. Le Guin. Through reading together, a reading group, a piece without actors, and a live role play come into being.

Amina Szecsödy & Chloe Chignell: Shadow Text
Saturday 8 July | 13:00-14:00

English spoken
all ages | a lot of text | accessible for visually impaired persons | relaxed performance

Rile Rile

Shadow Text exists somewhere between choreography, performance and text. The Swedish performer Amina Szecsödy and Chloe Cignell start from the literary sceneries in Les Guérillères (1974), an epic novel by Monique Wittig. They let the book explode in the room, which leads to the creation of a world of ominous fragments where past and future collide. In the form of a performance, the revolution occurring in the book leads particularly to the present, and to each other.

The Feminist School is part of the European programme apap – FEMINIST FUTURES, a project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

apap logo FEMINISTFUTURES creative europe logo

Chloe Chignell (AU/BE) is an artist based in Brussels working across text, choreography and publishing. Chloe takes the body as the central problem, question and location of her research. She invests in writing as a body building practice, examining the ways in which language makes us up. She co-runs rile* a bookshop and project space for publication and performance with Sven Dehens. She graduated from a.pass (BE, 2020) and from the research cycle at P.A.R.T.S (BE, 2018) and she teaches at ISAC.

Play dates

rile* reading room by Chloe Chignell and Sven Dehens, Reading at Random by Simon Asencio, Shadow Text by Amina Szecsödy and Chloe Chignell

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