Cinema, Podium en
Werkplek in Kortrijk

Norberto Llopis Segarra

Máquinas (Machines)

Dance, performance
Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes
Belgian première
Spoken in English, no subtitles
All ages

Pay What You Can: €0 · €5 · €10 · €15 · €20 · €25
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Máquinas (Machines)

Longing for less

Since the rise of industrialisation and capitalism, a constant desire for everything we don’t have (yet). Llopis Segarra dissects humans and our society, and exposes our inherent desires.

Máquinas is a dance performance that explores what a “desiring machine”, as French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari called it, could be. They see the unconscious as a factory and the body as an assembly of machines producing desire. Machines are halfway between what cannot happen and what never stops happening. It is a process that continues endlessly. Or to put it in the words of Deleuze: ‘There is no such thing as man or nature, everything is a machine.’

Llopis Segarra is showing his work in Belgium for the first time. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to get to know this Spanish artist.

Norberto Llopis Segarra works at the intersection of dance and philosophy. He initially trained as a dancer and choreographer at the Institut del Teatre in Valencia, and later pursued a master’s degree in performing arts at DasArts, AHK Amsterdam. Alongside his artistic practice, he received education in philosophy. In his work, Llopis Segarra searches for the relationships between space, human, and object. His artistic and writing practice ranges from choreographic works to installations, curatorial contexts, essays on artistic practices, and performative lectures. In his recent works, he explores the concept of “operation” in relation to performativity in both artistic and thought processes.


Play dates

  • Máquinas (Machines)
  • Máquinas (Machines)

Choreography & Direction Norberto Llopis Segarra Performance and Artistic Collaboration Paula Pachon, Javier J Hedrosa, Norberto Llopis Segarra Automata Design Samuel H. Ramírez First Automata Prototypes Jorge Nieto Dramaturgical Assistance Tomas Aragall &Sofía Asencio (Societat Doctor Alonso) Lighting Carlos Molina Llorens Photography & Video NURO Visuales Production Mónica Vázquez Produced with Emerging Production Grants (Valencian Institute of Culture) & Scenic Production Grants (Valencia City Council) Artistic residencies Espai la Granja (Burjassot), Teatre El Musical TEM (Valencia), and El Consulado (Valencia)

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